Malayalam inceststories
Malayalam inceststories

malayalam inceststories

I confided in my best friend and her family who are of native decent so are used to hearing stories of sexual abuse. I really do need it though because this has been so difficult for me to deal with. I have but I am not sure where I would find a local counselor that has specialized knowledge in this field that is as well discrete as cost efficient. Posts: 2 Joined: Fri 4:39 am Local time: Fri 2:41 am Blog: View Blog (0) i cant even think of my self saying no, what if i say yes, like i kno thats wrong i jsut duno or what if he wants to sleep with me again. or what if he doesnt even wana look at me or hear that im guna be there, what if i see him n hes mad or annoyed that im there, itll be a total surprise to him that im coming, he has no idea. what if im drunk n freak out n cry or scream or spaz like that. in two weeks im going back there and im sure im guna see him, what do i do. and then two weeks later he changed his profile picture to him his girlfriend and me and its been like that since, now its march what the #$, so he totally #$ with my head. he msged me on facebook some lie said he fell alseep that night, i was all made. i was still confused and crying when i was by myself feeling gross. n even though i was acting like this, flirting n chacing n playing all these games, loving that aspect of it. when i came back upstairs he locked me out, i banged on the door like an idiot chucking things at the door n whining to him to open in nothing, i was begging. that night, i got all wasted for this, for him. i wanted to sleep with him the night just before i left, keep me in his head before i left christmas vacation, so i was in his room n he told me to go check soemthing and come back fast. i mean this was the same uncle that i wanted to be like n looked up too n i thought really cared about me. in near days following he would tell me it was time for me to go home n just stuff like that they just made me feel #5.

malayalam inceststories

the second time i was too drunk to remember at all almost, and the last time he was way more drunk n i let the sex get completely out of hand, that next day thats when i seen him look at me like i was filth.

malayalam inceststories

now i went back to his house this past christmas, this is when he made the first advance on me after a long night of treating for drinks i was pretty drunk. my mum n dad split when i was a child after that had little to no communication with his family until a couple of years ago while i was 16. my uncle and i never grew up close but we got along. So over this past Christmas i had sex with my uncle a few times.

Malayalam inceststories